What are you missing to get your DTM?

Dear Toastmaster,
As you may be aware, this is the final year to achieve a Distinguished Toastmasters Award
(DTM) through the legacy program. You are so close to earning your First or Second DTM. The
District Executive Committee wants to do everything in our power to help you get there and
recognize all your accomplishments on stage in front of your peers at our Awards Ceremony
next year.
If you are working towards your DTM, can you please share with us what Division you are in and
what are you missing? A Club Coach/Sponsor/Mentor opportunity? A Communication award at
an Upcoming District TLI (November 16th, 2019)? An HPL Project?
We can help guide you to any of these opportunities, but can only help if you meet us halfway.
Thank you for your service,
Carole Murphy, DTM
Program Quality Director
District 96 (BC & Yukon)
Phone: 604-219-3619