Momentum Maximizes a Speech’s Power

Person running near street between tall trees (photo by Philip Ackermann from Pexels)

“Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory.”
— William Barclay (1907–1978), Scottish author, professor & minister

In the midst of making a speech, there are few things more distressing than running out of steam. It might be on account of nervousness, lack of preparation, or a shortage of inspiration. Whatever the cause, the result is usually the same: panic, hesitation, and a scramble to reach an inevitably apologetic conclusion.

How does one stoke the engine of oratory in order to reach the terminus on time, in style, and with every idea still on track?

The key to endurance is evident in the speeches of contest winners. When they compose a speech, their first concern isn't "What interesting things can I say on a given topic?” Its genesis is a more pointed question: “What transformation do I want my audience to undergo?”

The metamorphosis might be mental, emotional or spiritual. It might mean inciting your audience to action or inviting them to reflect.

Such a focus will sharpen and strengthen your content. It’s also how to get the wheels in motion after stalling—tell your listeners the purpose of your speech, as plainly as possible. It will help them recognize the destination once the journey ends.

For you, it eases the pressure of choosing words that dazzle.

Because a speaker's mission is simple: to move people.