North Vancouver Toastmasters (Weekly)

How to get to Silver Harbour Seniors Centre,
Steet Parking and rec centre at Memorial, and Harry Jerome parking is available.

Currently Meeting North Side of the Building Down the Stairs

Meetings start at 6:45  (Please arrive a few minutes early so we can welcome you). Our Meetings are in Person. For answers to your questions or requests for information please email 

Guests are always welcome! Want know what Toastmasters is all about?  Please join us any Wednesday evening, 6:40 PM.  

Meetings start at 6:45  (Please arrive a few minutes early so we can welcome you). Our Meetings are in Person. For answers to your questions or requests for information please email 

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Date of Event
Weekly on Wednesday at 6:40pm until Wed, Sep 11 2024
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Meeting Type
In Person