Salsa Speakers Toastmasters Club Meeting

Salsa Speakers group pic


Do you want to become a confident public speaker and strong leader? If so, Salsa Speakers is the place for you. With the all-inclusive Salsa Speakers team you’ll find a supportive learn-by-doing environment that allows you to achieve your goals at your own pace. You'll surprise yourself at how quickly you'll be dancing up to the podium to take your turn to speak!

Note: Dancing not *actually* required  ;)

We’re having hybrid meetings. We meet in-person in a nice private community room. Or you can join us on Zoom from the comfort of home. 

We meet weekly on Mondays (but not holidays) at 6:45 PM PST sharp.

Please arrive a few minutes early so we can welcome you properly. Hope to see you soon!

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Date of Event
Weekly on Monday at 6:45pm until Wed, Jul 2 2025
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