Club DCP Summary Grid
In February 2014, the District 21 LGET Gene Vickers decided to try something new.
He compiled a list of all of the District 21 clubs and then coloured each of them according to their level of DCP project. He then wrote individual customized notes for each club outlining what he suggested to them. He called this the "Change Your Colour" contest with the idea being that the club, by increasing their DCP score would also shift their associated colour.
In July 2015, Gene continued upwards in Toastmasters and became the inaugural D96 District Governor. However, the idea of "Change Your Colour" continued. Mike Carr and Steve Kim decided to continue the tradition and developed this electronic tool that you see today.
For each club, this automated system will make suggestions for improvement which we affectionately call "Leo's advice". This is based on the 2014-2015 District 96 Mascot "Leo". It's probably worth noting that "It's all about M.E." stands for "It's all about member experience".
This tool updates nightly based on the information present in the TI dashboard. It is intended for informational purposes only and is not officially recommended or sanctioned by Toastmasters International. There is no warranty provided whether implicit or explicit. If you have any questions or concerns then please email Mike Carr directly who will be happy to assist.