Speak Your Mind Advanced Toastmasters
Date: Friday, September 9, 2022 (2nd Friday due to Labour Day long weekend)
Time: 6:45 pm gather, for 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm meeting PDT (Pacific Time)
Location: Zoom online
Who are We? We love to speak our minds, where every meeting is fast-paced, often irreverent, and always a humorous good time. Jump into the fray and share whatever issue is on your mind. (We have a role for that, called the "Rant".) We welcome guests. Feel free to join us for one of the most dynamic, engaging and rip-roaring fun online meetings you'll ever attend. When meeting online, we host the meetings on Zoom.
Meeting Theme: "Climate Change" - How can we survive through wildfires, floods, drought and extreme weather?
Chair: Merrilee Miller, DTM
Guests are Always Welcome! To visit us at any upcoming virtual meeting, please contact Merrilee Miller at m_miller77@hotmail.com
During this pandemic, we meet online. In usual times, meetings are held at the Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre, 181 Roundhouse Mews, Vancouver, BC -- across from the Yaletown-Roundhouse Canada Line Station.
Special note about Advanced clubs: Advanced clubs are primarily made up of experienced Toastmasters who want to grow more rapidly than those in a typical club. They are Toastmasters who want to set a higher bar... and believe us, at SYM, the members are always encouraging one another to raise the bar further and further!