Speak Your Mind Advanced Toastmasters

Fall Leaves


Date:  Friday, October 1st, 2021 (1st Fridays)

Time:  6:45 pm gather, for 7 pm to 9 pm meeting

Location:  Zoom online

Who are We?  We love to speak our minds, where every meeting is fast-paced, often irreverent, and always a humorous good time.  Jump into the fray and share whatever issue is on your mind.  (We have a role for that, called the "Rant".)  We welcome guests.  Feel free to join us for one of the most dynamic, engaging and rip-roaring fun online meetings you'll ever attend.  When meeting online, we host the meetings on Zoom.

Meeting Theme:  “Fall:  What does Fall mean to you?"

Change of season, leaves changing colour, falling leaves, falling in love, falling off balance (mentally or physically), being defeated, end of summer, sweaters and soup, shorter days and cooler nights.

CoChairs:  Merrilee Miller and Audrey Yan

Guests are Always Welcome!  To visit us at any upcoming virtual meeting, please contact Lydia Chao at chortlinglaughter@gmail.com

During this pandemic, we meet online.  In usual times, meetings are held at the Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre, 181 Roundhouse Mews, Vancouver, BC -- across from the Yaletown-Roundhouse Canada Line Station.

Special note about Advanced clubs:  Advanced clubs are primarily made up of experienced Toastmasters who want to grow more rapidly than those in a typical club. They are Toastmasters who want to set a higher bar... and believe us, at SYM, the members are always encouraging one another to raise the bar further and further!

Website:  https://speakyourmind.toastmastersclubs.org/

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