Masterclass in Membership Building/COT

Masterclass in Membership Building with Speechcraft/COT

Want to attract visitors to your club?

Convert them into new members?

And re-energize your meetings?

This workshop is IDEAL for members and officers to attend – especially if your Club has less than 15 members attending your regular meetings.

In this engaging Master Class, you will discover:

  • What Speechcraft is
  • How hosting a series will benefit your club's and members - including fundraising!
  • How to launch and market an effective Speechcraft program
  • Graphic design tips to attract visitors, and how to convert them into members


BONUS: Attending the speechcraft masterclass event will count for club officer training credit for all individual roles.***

*** Session includes sample promotions, and valuable handouts with planning worksheets.

*** Register, even if you cannot attend live - to receive the recording link and materials!

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