Charlie Ji

Charlie Ji

Charlie Ji

I have joined the Toaster Master International since 2008 and it has been a pleasant journey on this peer-based self-development so far. I don't like to join an institution generally. However, I have found this organization is different. Over the years, I have learned quite a lot on communication and leadership by attending club meetings, TI trainings, and reading monthly magazines. Comparing what I have paid with I have got, it has been really nothing but my own time. And I won't be able to find any institution with that kind of ROI. As an immigrant, I am still on my way to find any meaningful role at the new settlement. At the same time, my Toaster Master club has been a comfort zone for me indeed.

With the kind mentorship of the incumbent Area84 director Mr. Earl Thomas Pollitt and the kind nomination from Ms. Eva Li, I am recently elected as the Area Director of Division J, Area84, District 96 starting from July 1st, 2021. Sincerely I would like to share my luck with you as your Area84 director.

I feel that I have become a better version of myself through peer development and manual guided learning. I wish to pass on that knowledge to you as a gift, just like I have picked it up with luck. 

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