Advanced Speakers Club (ASK)

ADVANCED SPEAKERS CLUB 4589 - "ASK" Toastmasters
Home Club of Margaret Page, DTM, International President (2021-2022)
When: Friday, September 24, 2021 (4th Friday)
Time: Gather 6:45 pm, Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 pm (Pacific Time). Room opens at 6:30 pm
Where: Online with Zoom
Meeting Theme: "Toastmasters 2025" - Imagine that you have been transported into the year 2025. What will our club meetings be like? Will it be in person, online, or hybrid? What new technology will we use? And how will our roles change? Come and share your vision of Toastmasters in the year 2025!
Come and share in this fun, entertaining thematic meeting.
Menu: We suggest you may want to eat before the meeting, so you can enjoy this online experience. Bring you own beverage: coffee, tea, water.
Cost: No charge for this online meeting.
CoChairs: Helen Worth, ACS, CL and Lyle Craver, DTM
Guests: Please contact Darren Frew at to RSVP and for Zoom meeting information.
Please join the meeting by 6:45 pm to ensure everybody can speak, hear and see properly.
Changes due to coronavirus (COVID-19) -- online meeting on ZOOM for social and physical distancing.
General Meeting Information: Usual monthly dinner meetings planned by Co-chairs around unique themes in various locations in the greater Vancouver area are currently suspended. Online meetings are ongoing, attracting guests from around the world!