D21 TLI with Club Officers Training

DISTRICT 21 - Toastmasters Leadership Institute with Club Officers Training
Date: Saturday, November 19, 2022
Time: 8:30 am – 1:15 pm (PST)
Location: Online
Keynote: Netania Walker, DTM, D44 2021-2022 R8 Advisor
“Who, Not How” - Are you having trouble getting a book written, a task done, or a project complete? Stop asking how and start asking who?
Breakout Topic Rooms:
- Dynamic Meetings with Low Membership
- Member Retention
- Easy-speak
- FreeToastHost
- Speechcraft
- Youth Leadership
CLUB OFFICERS TRAININGS - Two Consecutive Sessions
Two (2) rounds of Club Officer Training (back-to-back) for those who hold more than one position on the executive. You can expect full training in both sessions. Remember to bring your questions and insights.
Registration is required.
REGISTER: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItcOuvrzooHNMq6b1FgSDMjjTEP7_Bl7bc