
This workshop is intended for Toastmasters who want to offer presentations outside of the Toastmasters Club environment and desire to fine-tune their preparation and delivery. At the end of this…
This workshop is intended for Toastmasters who want to offer presentations outside of the Toastmasters Club environment and desire to fine-tune their preparation and delivery. At the end of this…
The District Leadership Committee was formed in November 2021 as we launched our first announcement in our District 96 December Newsletter. The Committee held meetings between December 2021 and…
Reconnect & network at our in-person & hybrid awards celebration of our 2022-2023 District 96 Toastmasters year!   2022-2023 District 96 Awards Ceremony When: Saturday, October 7, 2023…
Have 7 out of 7 club officers trained BY JUNE 30 to receive a SET OF CLUB OFFICER PINS! Submit you new club officer list to Toastmasters International via Club Central by June 30 and have all seven …
District 96, serving 1/2 of British Columbia, is part of the family of 100+ Toastmasters International Districts with over 15,400 clubs in the world. The mission of Toastmasters International is to …
Join us on Friday, November 1 with Region Advisor Rose Kirland.  This summit is designed for Advanced and Specialty Clubs to share best practices and to figure out the best way to market to…
SPECIAL EVENT for Members of Advanced Clubs in District 96 Advanced Club Summit Date:  Saturday, May 28, 2022 Time:  9:00 am - 12:00 pm Location:  Online…
SPECIAL EVENT for Members of Advanced Clubs in District 96 Advanced Club Summit DateSaturday, May 28, 2022 Time:  9:00 am - 12:00 pm Location:  Online…
Calling all Advanced Clubs Brainstorming Collaboration  Membership  Ringside Retreat  
Named in honor of Ralph Smedley, the founder of Toastmasters International, this prestigious award celebrates clubs that excel in membership growth and engagement. Here’s how you can achieve this…
Mark Your Calendars! April 22, 23, 24, 2022 This year's Virtual Conference will include... Humorous Contest - Friday night International Speech Contest - Saturday Evaluation Contest - Sunday…
District Area & Division Director Training 10:00 am  District Vision (Carole)  .... District Mission (Louisa)  .... Toast (Mimi Vanderheide)  ... 30 minutes 10:30 am Area Director Excel…
  Area & Division Director's monthly meeting.  4th Sunday of each month. This is a zoom meeting. Please contact Carole for the link.
Mark Your Calendars  District 96 2022 - 2023 Area and Division Directors  Let's start this year off right with training, connections, strategy sessions and of course fun.  There are only a few Area…
Mark Your Calendars  District 96 2022 - 2023 Area and Division Directors  Let's start this year off right with training, connections, strategy sessions and of course fun.  There are only a few Area…
Mark Your Calendars  District 96 2022 - 2023 Area and Division Directors  Let's start this year off right with training, connections, strategy sessions and of course fun.  There are only a few Area…
Area Directors Meeting
Area Directors will expand knowledge of working with Clubs and helping each club ensure a quality club experience for their members.
Starting with the October 2023 membership-renewal period, your semiannual international membership dues will increase to 60 USD. The renewal payment is due October 1; however, if you renew before…
D96 Awards and Trophy Pickup  at Executive Inn, Burnaby (near Lougheed and Gilmore)
Congratulations to all our Awards Recipients.  We are setting up a “Drive Thru Trophy & DTM Medal Pickup” on Saturday, October 24th from 1:00 - 3:00 pm at the Staples Parking Lot 4265 Lougheed…
District 96 Annual Conference is in just a few weeks!!! This is an event which brings together Toastmasters from Vancouver lower mainland, northern BC and the Yukon. Most of the members are business…
Call for District Leaders for Next Year 2023-24 Nominate yourself or a fellow Toastmaster to lead District 96 through July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. Every year on July 1st a new set of Toastmasters…
We are looking for three speakers who can present outstanding 45-minute sessions in-person, on Saturday, May 18th, 2024 at the University Golf Club in Vancouver, B.C. Both Toastmasters and non-…
Hello District 96 Toastmasters Members, We need your help. Our District 96 Leadership Nominating Committee is currently looking for passionate members to serve in several District leadership…
District 96 Toastmasters, It is a tradition at the District 96 Conference that we honor a non-Toastmaster, member of the community as the Communication & Leadership Award participant.  Here is a…
We are interviewing candidates NOW for the July 1st 2024 to June 30th Toastmaster year. Interviews conclude 6-weeks before the April 13th, 2024 District Elections. Is there a fellow District 96…
I am delighted to be introducing this year's Club Care Team Lead - Kerry Deschamps DTM Kerry, Club Care Team Leader, and all around nice guy, will be working with 4 club care representatives (2…
I'm pleased to introduce Johanna Rzepa as Mentor Support! As we build new clubs this year, Johanna will work with the Club Mentors to ensure that the clubs are set up for success and will continue to…
This year’s Renewal Chair is non other than Tanya Horne! Here is a bit about this community driven leader: “Tanya is a published author, an award-winning speaker and a lover of growth and potential…
It takes a special person to be willing to help shape the lives of youth. We are fortunate that one of those special ladies who have said yes this year to both running the Youth Leadership Workshops…
Are you a club officer who needs to complete training? Are you a club member who is interested in learning more about being a club officer?   Then join the Community North Advanced Toastmasters on…
All members deserve to be in a thriving club and have a rich Toastmasters experience. As a club officer you have the important role in helping to create this. Attend this virtual live Training to…
CHECK OUT THIS LIST OF ONLINE TRAINING DATES https://d96toastmasters.ca/club-officer-training-online Registration will be via eventbrite.     The list of available trainings keeps growing.  Keep an…
CLUB OFFICERS TRAININGHosted by D32 (Alaska) Date:  Saturday, June 24, 2023 Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am PDT (Pacific) or 8:00 - 10:00 (Alaska) Location:  Online ZOOM Program: Club Officers…
CLUB OFFICERS TRAININGHosted by D32 (Alaska) Date:  Wednesday, July 19 2023 Time:  7:30 pm - 9:30 pm PDT (Pacific) or 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm (Alaska) Location:  Online ZOOM Program: Club…
CLUB OFFICERS TRAININGHosted by D32 (Alaska) Date:  Thursday, June 15, 2023 Time:  7:30 pm - 9:30 pm PDT (Pacific) or 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm (Alaska) Location:  Online ZOOM Program: Club Officers…
CLUB OFFICERS TRAININGHosted by D39 (California) Date:  Saturday, June 17, 2023 Time:  8:45 am - 1:00 pm PDT (Pacific) Location:  Online ZOOM Program: Club Officers Training Online REGISTER…
Club Reinstatement Process - Updated Changes to the reinstatement process for clubs which are effective immediately, were approved by The Board of Directors to help streamline the…
Detailed real-time reports that give lots of insights into the status of all Clubs, Areas, Divisions and District in the Toastmasters world.     Toastmasters International Report http://…
Fellow Toastmasters, Guests and especially, the man of the moment, Hari Varshney and his most welcome family and friends, It is with great pleasure that, as District Director, I formally announce…
Have you been thinking about a hero you would like to nominate for the District 96 Communication and Leadership Award for 2020?  Its not to late to make a submission... The purpose of the…
Unlock your Potential at the District Monthly Community Connection for District 96 Toastmaster Members *Ask the Trio your burning questions *New member orientation *Pathways education support *…
Have you been wondering what's happening with the conference? February has been a busy month for the team.  We are ramping up the promotion in order to reach the target registrations.  If you, or…
The District Conference 2020 Winter Special rate of $229 for the weekend ends today. This rate gets you Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning of Toastmasters fun, education and fellowship.   Check…
Please help me in congratulating the following 2019-2020 coaches who helped clubs achieve Distinguished status or higher in the Distinguished Club Program: Lydia Chao (Burnaby Mountain) Valerie…
Mark your Calendars!  April 21, 2022 Corporate Awards:  6:00 pm  Corporations from around the world have formed symbiotic relationships with Toastmasters.  By sponsoring a club at their workplace,…
Club Officer training....specifically for corporate clubs. Last chance for corporate club officer training in District 96! Learn about how to manage and support your clubs within the corporate…
Finish your year strong, connect, share and get trained at this live online educational opportunity for Toastmasters! About this event Sneak Peek: Back by popular demand. Club officer training…
Finish your year strong, connect, share and get trained at this live online educational opportunity for Toastmasters! About this event Sneak Peek: Back by popular demand. Club officer training…
Start your Toastmasters year right at Corporate Leadership Training and get CE credit for your club officer role. Friday July 9th 11:30 - 1:30  Registration…
CLUB OFFICERS TRAINING (COT)-- President / Secretary ONLY Hosted by D21 (British Columbia) Date:  Monday, July 10, 2023 Time:  7:00 pm - 9:00 pm PDT (Pacific) Location:  Online ZOOM Program: …
CLUB OFFICERS TRAINING (COT)-- Treasurer / SAA ONLY Hosted by D21 (British Columbia) Date:  Wednesday, July 12, 2023 Time:  7:00 pm - 9:00 pm PDT (Pacific) Location:  Online ZOOM Program:  Club…
CLUB OFFICERS TRAINING (COT)-- VP Education ONLY Hosted by D21 (British Columbia) Date:  Thursday, July 13, 2023 Time:  7:00 pm - 9:00 pm PDT (Pacific) Location:  Online ZOOM Program:  Club…
CLUB OFFICERS TRAINING (COT)-- VP-PR / VP Membership ONLY Hosted by D21 (British Columbia) Date:  Tuesday, July 11, 2023 Time:  7:00 pm - 9:00 pm PDT (Pacific) Location:  Online ZOOM Program: …
Attention Club Executives: Make sure your vote counts! If you cannot attend the Business Meeting at the District 96 Annual Conference 2020 email your proxy’s to: Credentials Chair Doug Anderson at …
DISTRICT 21 - Toastmasters Leadership Institute with Club Officers Training   Date:  Saturday, November 19, 2022 Time:  8:30 am – 1:15 pm (PST) Location: …
DISTRICT 96 - ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2023 (online - free) This Year’s Conference Theme is “Cultivate & Grow” Exciting events are planned for this year’s Toastmasters District 96 Annual…
Develop Successful Teams  with our Region 1 Advisor, Sondra Nunez, DTM As area and division directors, you serve as liaisons between districts and clubs; to accomplish all the responsibilities of…
Come celebrate our accomplishments over the last Toastmasters year!
Below is a list of minutes from the district business meetings.  They are all saved as PDF documents.
In accordance with Toastmasters International Board of Director guidelines published in the 2019-20 Online Annual District Council Meetings, District 96 will conduct a live Candidate Showcase session…
CLUB OFFICERS TRAINING Hosted by District 96 Date:  Saturday, June 10, 2023 Time:  9:00 am - 11:30 am PDT (Pacific) Location:  Online ZOOM Program:  Zoom-based…
CLUB OFFICERS TRAINING - Online Hosted by District 96 Date:  Saturday, February 25, 2023 Time:  10:00 am - 12:00 pm (PST).  Join from 9:30 am (Pacific) Register:  https://www.…
CLUB OFFICERS TRAINING - Online Hosted by District 96 Date:  Saturday, February 11, 2023 Time:  10:00 am - 12:00 pm (PST).  Join from 9:30 am (Pacific) Register:  https://www.…
CLUB OFFICERS TRAINING Hosted by District 96 DATE:  Saturday, December 10, 2022 TIME:  12:20 pm - 4:00 pm (PST) Pacific                 Session 1:  12:25 pm                 Session 2:    2:15 pm…
CLUB OFFICERS TRAINING Hosted by District 96   Date:  Friday, November 18 Time:  12:00 pm - 2:30 pm (PST) Timed for Corporate Clubs Register:  https://www.…
CLUB OFFICERS TRAINING Hosted by District 96   Date:  Saturday, November 12 Time9:00 am - 11:30 am (PST) Register:  https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/cot-november-…
CLUB OFFICERS TRAINING (COT) with Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) Hosted by District 96 Date:  Saturday, December 10, 2022 Time:  10:00 am - 4:00 pm.  Opens at 9:30 am. (PST) PacificMorning…
CLUB OFFICERS TRAINING with Toastmasters Leaders Institute Hosted by District 96   Date:  Saturday, November 26 Time:  11:00 am - 3:00 pm (PST) Register:  https://www.…
DISTRICT 96 COMMUNITY CONNECTIONSfor DISTRICT 96 TOASTMASTERS MEMBERS ONLY Ask the District Trio Leaders - Monthly 4th Sundays All your Questions Answered.   Date:  Sunday, November 27, 2022 (4th…
Dear Fellow District 96 Toastmasters,   This year, Toastmasters around the world are celebrating an incredible landmark - our centennial year! Doubtless, District 96 is gearing up to join the party…
Motions presented: “On behalf of the District Executive Committee, we move that the re-alignment be accepted as presented.” Adopted as presented Nominations were taken from the floor for the…
NOTICE: District Executive Council Meeting When: Saturday, September 18, 2021 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Attention: Club Presidents, Club Vice Presidents Education and District Officers (Area…
District Executive Council Meeting, April 23, 2022 at 8:30am The District Council is required to hold at least two meetings each year. The first virtual meeting must take place no later than…
Please save the date for our upcoming D96 District Executive Council Meeting on April 13, 2024 (online via Zoom) from 8:30AM-12:00PM PDT.  DEC Agenda details to be announced at least 2-weeks prior…
This is a fun, inspiring (and mandatory!) training for our incoming District Officers including Area and Division Directors!
The District 96 Hybrid Meetings Committee was created to help clubs become comfortable with hybrid meetings. Douglas Bottrill, PM2 from HSBC Toastmasters & Speaking for Success Christine Giusti…
District 96 Conference - International Speech Contest Date:  Saturday, April 22, 2023Time:  4:00 pm to 6:00 pm (PDT)Location:  Zoom onlineCost:  Free - no charge A contestant winner from each…
DISTRICT 96 LEADERSHIP CANDIDATES - SHOWCASE District 96 will conduct a live Candidate Showcase session via Zoom, on Thursday, April 20, 2023, from 7:00pm-8:30pm. All Presidents and VPs…
This is for you if you're planning, participating or presenting in this year's contest season and need to know the following: - the logistics of running an online contest - how to work the Zoom…
This is for you if you're planning, participating or presenting in this year's contest season and need to know the following: - the logistics of running an online contest - how to work the Zoom…
This is for you if you're planning, participating or presenting in this year's contest season and need to know the following: - the logistics of running an online contest - how to work the Zoom…
This is for you if you're planning, participating or presenting in this year's contest season and need to know the following: - the logistics of running an online contest - how to work the Zoom…
DISTRICT 96 – Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) - WORKSHOP Preparing contestants for upcoming International Speech contest with an inter-active Workshop    What the “Missing…
Dear Fellow District 96 Toastmasters,   It takes a village to plan a major District conference. And there is no greater opportunity for our members to learn and grow their leadership skills than by…
DISTRICT 96 MONTHLY SPEECH EVENTSeven (7) Speakers on 4th Saturdays"Be enlightened and entertained by a variety of Speakers."  Date:  Saturday, November 26, 2022 (4th…
District 96 Conference - Table Topics Contest Date:  Friday, April 21, 2023Time:  7:30 pm to 9:00 pm (PDT)Location:  Zoom onlineCost:  Free - no charge A contestant winner from each Division will be…
Ever wondered what it's like to be the President of an International Organization? Maybe you'd love to experience what it's like to work on a Championship Team and win at the World Speaking Contest?…
Online workshops continue through July and into the future.  Currently scheduled for Sunday afternoon at 2PM in July are: July 5th  Jamak Golshani  Your Voice to Millions - A workshop series for…
Originally published by Ian Cunliffe, DTM Have you ever had the sort of weekend where your first thought upon waking up on Sunday morning was: “Did that just happen?” If this question has…
District 21 ZOOM COT June 20th, 2020 8:45 – 9:00 am: Registration
District 9 is conducting our COT on July 1, 2021.This training will include:  Member engagement and Retention Quality Club Meetings Attracting Guests Club Officer Breakout Sessions Here is the…
In the world of public speaking and leadership development, Toastmasters International has long been a beacon of excellence. District 96 Toastmasters, encompassing a wide range of clubs and members,…
Dear Toastmasters and Friends, We are thrilled to unveil the theme of this year's District 96 Conference: "Spring to a New Centennial"! This captivating theme encapsulates our upcoming journey…
OPEN TO ALL DISTRICT 96 MEMBERS Reconnect & network at our in-person & remote awards celebration of our 2021-22 District 96 Toastmasters year! Come be uplifted & inspired! District 96…
The Awards evening was held online October 17th to honour those members of District 96 who achieved distinction over the year July 2019 to June 30, 2020.  We also recognized the recipient of the 2020…
To support ALL clubs in achieving excellence, we have designed a game of Bingo Card for this Toastmaster Year 2021-2022. We encourage you to strategize with your club to see which squares your club…
What’s it like to be part of the District Conference Team?   I was lucky enough to find out this past spring and I can tell you two things. If you haven’t been to a conference you really should go…
Please save the date for our upcoming District 96 Conference 2023-2024.  This conference will be held in-person at the University Golf Club in Vancouver, BC  Our District 96 Evaluation Contest will…
Please save the date for our upcoming District 96 Conference 2023-2024.  This conference will be held in-person at the University Golf Club in Vancouver, BC  Our District 96 International Speech…
District 96 Council Meeting Saturday, April 22, 2023 (No proxies) If you are a Club President, Club Vice President of Education, Area Director, Division Director or part of the Core…
This meeting is intended for District Council Members only. We have a very important meeting coming up on Saturday, April 20, 2024 and your attendance and vote are critical. ➢ Club President ➢ …
It was a night of laughs as 9 competitors from all over District 96 competed at the D96 Fall Conference held at Executive Suites Hotel & Conference Centre in Burnaby. The winners were: Third…
These social media pages are managed by District 96 by and for members and member clubs. Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/BCToast/ Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/District96/…
Please join us on Saturday, November 25th for our upcoming District 96 TLI/COT Round 2 Training Virtual Only event via Zoom! Attend to learn about Contest Resources during TLI portion (ie: Judges’…
Congratulations to all our Awards Recipients.  We are setting up a “Drive Thru Trophy & DTM Medal Pickup” on Saturday, October 24th from 1:00 - 3:00 pm at the Staples Parking Lot 4265 Lougheed…
Shoot for the Moon and take your moment to shine at the annual District 96 conference from April 17-19, 2020 in Richmond. And just how might you do that?  By volunteering for the conference! Now,…
All District 96 members are invited to attend the Budget Town Hall meeting on Monday, September 16 at 6:30 pm.  David Nguyen, the District Finance manager and the Trio will present the budget.  We…
  7:00 pm    Login in, Change your name to ie: Secretary, Carole Murphy and wait to be assigned to your breakout room Zoom Moderator/Host:  Marek Dutkiewicz ......... Zoom Meeting ID: https…
District Core Team Meeting
The meeting will be virtual and held on Zoom.  The Eventbrite and Zoom information will be coming soon.  The Agenda will be made available by September 7. The Agenda will include: 1. The review…
District Council Business Meeting Election of Officers 2021-2022 District Alignment Report Full Agenda is listed on our District 96 Website, News, News Items 
Register and join us to vote at the official District Council Meeting on Saturday, September 26th, 2020  This meeting has the crucial purpose of receiving the District Council’s approval for the…
The District Council will meet for the very last time as District 96 this spring.  The entire District Executive (Area Directors, Division Directors and the Core Team) and Club Presidents and VP…
  Attention All District Council Members: ➢ Club President ➢ Club VP Education ➢ Area Director ➢ Division Director ➢ or a Member of the District Core Team (District Director, Program Quality…
District 96 Council Meeting Saturday, September 17, 2022 (No proxies) If you are a Club President, Club Vice President of Education, Area Director, Division Director or part of the…
Please join us for the Annual District Evaluation Contest.  You can log in after 1:30 pm.  Contest starts at 2:00 pm Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/96749309025 Meeting ID:  967 4930 9025…
The District Executive Committee (DEC) includes all District Officers including the Area Directors, Division Directors, Public Relations Manager, Administration Manager, Logistics Manager, Club…
The Spring District Executive Council will meet for the very last time as District 96.  Area Directors, Division Directors and the Core Team are expected to attend.  The business will be short and…
Annual District International Speech Contest:  Login will be available commencing at 1:00 pm.  Contest Starts at 2:00 pm Saturday, May 2nd, 2020   Contestants, Judges, Timers, Contest Chair,…
   Are you ready to Lead...and Grow?  Take the next step! As you may have heard, Districts 21 & 96 are merging into a new District 21 effective July 1, 2025.  We have an…
Just like Club Officers attend Club Officer Training, District Officers get trained too. This event is for Area and Division Directors who have missed previous sessions or want to have a deeper…
District Officer Training (Area & Division Directors Only) Module #2 "Enhance Club Quality" facilitated by DTM, Mimi Vanderheide, Program Quality Director (July 25th, 2020) Module #3 "Establish…
Every year, Districts are required by Toastmasters International to review the distribution of their clubs within Areas and Divisions. Currently our District has more than 140 active clubs…
Today is a groundbreaking day for District 96.  The efforts of the Club Growth team under Louisa's leadership has brought D96 to #1 in the world in percentage of paid clubs to base clubs! The…
Save the Date for the  downtown Vancouver Club Officer Training(COT)! Division N&S Club Officer Training - Round 2 Monday  August 26, 2019, 18:00-20:00 Registration & Networking, 17:00…
District Team and Division Directors Monthly Call via Zoom. Every month on the Second Sun, until Jul 11, 2021, 13 occurrence(s) Jul 12, 2020 10:30 AM Aug 9, 2020 10:30 AM Sep 13, 2020 10:30 AM Oct…
Division Directors Meeting
After some hard decisions, the educations sessions are finalized. Still to come are the teasers and trailers... so keep watching this space http://annualconference.d96toastmasters.ca/educations.php…
TO REGISTER FOR THE CONFERENCE: annualconference.d96toastmasters.ca March 29-31, 2019 Pinnacle Hotel at the Pier, North Vancouver  
ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith  NOW KNOW YE THAT, We do by…
ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith  NOW KNOW YE THAT, We do by…
GARY SEGAL, C.M. Philanthropist. Catalyst. Humanitarian RECEIVES COMMUNICATION &LEADERSHIP AWARD 2022-2023 Toastmasters International – District 96 (Vancouver & Yukon) is pleased to…
The Vancouver Gavel Clubs are Youth public speaking and leadership clubs organized by Toastmasters members. The Gavel Club members are Youth ages 12 to 17. As a long time member of Vancouver…
Come celebrate with us, youth members, families & Toastmasters counsellors and view how the youths are holding a Toastmasters meeting! Place, Date & Time: Jericho Beach, June 18, Potluck…
Open House Season is upon us, District 96! Many of you are wondering, "How do we hold a hybrid Open House that looks effortless?" The Hybrid Committee is here to help! In this blog post, we list a…
District Incentives & Awards Earned through December 2020 Staples Roof Top Parking Lot 4265 Lougheed Highway Burnaby, BC  V5C 3Y6 Phone/Text:  604-219-3619 (Carole Murphy's cellular)
We are thrilled to announce two fantastic incentives to encourage you to renew your memberships and keep the momentum going in our vibrant community. These opportunities are designed to reward your…
So, you missed the TLI (Toastmasters Leadership Institute) and are wondering what you missed... check out these highlights from the morning CHAT.  Questions, answers, sharing, learning.  Some was in…
Last Chance Folks for a District 96 Club Officer Training (this one brought to you by the D96 Division Directors) Register on Eventbrite Here. All members deserve to be in a thriving club and have…
REGISTER at https://d96leadershipsymposiumoct23.eventbrite.ca This event will cover a kaleidoscope of ideas and topics. From the Emerging Leader just starting out, the Developing Leader currently in…
Build your future through leadership! Our District 96 Leadership Committee is currently looking for passionate members to serve in several District leadership positions for the 2020-2021 term. Step…
Something for everyone to enjoy! A great value for your registration fees, not to mention the amazing line up of keynote and Education speakers and our Evaluation and International Speech Contests to…
The Magic of Rotary Meets the Power of Toastmasters   Join us on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, at 12:00 PM at the Terminal City Club for a special joint meeting of Rotary and Toastmasters! Discover…
I always answer local phone numbers. One day in June that number was District 96 Fall Conference Chair, Linda Lee, and she asked me to co-emcee the district 96 fall conference.  I’d be working with…
Fellow Toastmasters, 2020-2021 Will be remembered in the history of District 96 as the year we survived the pandemic. We set out at the beginning of the year creating our District Success Plan in…
Stay informed about the decisions, discussions, and progress made during these pivotal gatherings. Whether you're a member of our district, a stakeholder, or simply curious about our operations,…
The Facilities team - Ray Miller, Adam Haesler and Sam Lintern were hard at work taking pictures of the conference hotel, planning audio and visual needs, thinking about tripping hazards, planning…
Announcing a December Club Contest   Sometime in December a "mystery shopper" will send all clubs in District 96 an inquiry through Toastmaster's International Find-a-Club. The "best" response as…
District 96 ran a contest in December 2020 to test out how clubs responded to prospective guest inquiries. In my persona of “Sandi Long”, I send an inquiry to clubs in the District between December…
Please click on the link to view the District 96 newsletter for April 2021.
Attend the District 96 Annual Conference, Thursday, April 21st to Sunday, April 24th 2022 to Power Your Possibilities! The education sessions and keynote speakers will share the skills and tools…
Click on the link to view the August 2020 District 96 newsletter.
August and September are "Smedley Membership" months. Earn the award by adding five new members to your club in these two months. Speech craft is one of the tools you can use to both engage your…
Please click on the link to view the District 96 newsletter for December 2020.
Warm Greetings to You! We are blown away so often with our members who are doing amazing with their own skills development; it is humbling for us to work with all of you and as we’re approaching…
Please click on the link to view the District 96 newsletter for February 2021.
Wow!  So much has already happened this year, and so many plans for February.  February is Toastmaster's Month around the world, including British Columbia and District 96. Clubs are planning special…
Please click on the link to view the District 96 newsletter for January 2021.
Open PDF. In the newsletter this month: Contest Season District Leadership Nominations Conference 2022 Holiday Pictures Club Bingo & Advanced Clubs Toastmasters & CPA Competencies…
Please click on the link to view the District 96 newsletter for July 2020.
Messages from the incoming TRIO to get us off to a new year of "Excelling Together".   Click on the link to download and read.
Please click on the link to view the District 96 newsletter for June 2021.
June 30th is the last day of the Toastmaster Year, so June is time to wrap up and turn over club leadership roles to the new set of officers and directors. To help with that turnover is the…
Please click on the link to view the District 96 newsletter for March 2021.
March begins with International Women's Day events and continues on with our District's Division level speech competitions.  District 96 and 21 are hosting a panel of women from British Columbia who…
Please click on the link to view the District 96 newsletter for May 2021.
May is the month in which the leadership teams for the next Toastmaster year are elected, and many members work to complete projects and paths for June 30th. This is also the time for you to decide…
Please click on the link to view the District 96 newsletter for November 2020.
Lots of different things happened in October and are continuing in November.  Many clubs have started hybrid meetings - as we can see from postings on the District Facebook page. Education continues…
Please click on the link to view the District 96 newsletter for October 2020.
The results are in! Two important events happened in September: The Annual Awards Show, and The Annual District Council Meeting. The first was a celebration of accomplishments from last year; the…
Please click on the link to view the District 96 newsletter for September 2020.
This summer saw many clubs having in-person meetings out of doors to enjoy the summer sunshine. Going into fall, your Club might be considering hybrid meetings and our Hybrid Committee has some…
Every year on July 1st a new set of Toastmasters leaders take up their roles.  This happens at all four levels of leadership in our district - Club, Area, Division and District. Club elections…
Great Opportunity to complete your mandatory COT before the February 29 deadline. You have been bestowed with powers! With great power comes great responsibility! But are you ready to live up to that…
Are you looking to make a difference? Do you have Pathways Level 4 and Level 5 projects that you would like to complete? Taking on a role at the District level could be the answer to your desires…
Online Zoom training session-How level one works. Plus any questions on any Pathways topic. Click on the link at 6:25 to start - Neil Booth is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom…
Online Zoom training session-How level one works. Plus any questions on any Pathways topic. Click on the link at 6:25 to start - Neil Booth is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom…
A brief intro and then time to ask questions Meeting Via Zoom - time 08:30 https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2682433295
Please Join our Pathways Training Team for our January Webinars at 7:00 PM.   The Zoom Meeting links to every Webinar is posted below: Monday, January 20th (Sam Lintern)  Zoom Link https://zoom.us/j…
SHOOT FOR THE MOON! PLAN B: ONLINE WORKSHOPS EVERY SUNDAY AT 2 PM IN APRIL, MAY & JUNE!! The District 96 Conference: Plan B team are pleased to announce the online workshops occurring every…
Invitation to District 96 Presidents, Area Directors and Division Directors. Welcome to your year as club President! Please come join us at the first President Breakfast, it's a chance to network,…
Congratulations! As the elected president of your Toastmasters club, you have an opportunity to set the tone for your club and provide supportive leadership. Your influence and example bring out the…
Congratulations! As the elected president of your Toastmasters club, you have an opportunity to set the tone for your club and provide supportive leadership. Your influence and example bring out the…
Congratulations! As the elected president of your Toastmasters club, you have an opportunity to set the tone for your club and provide supportive leadership. ▪ Your influence and example bring out…
Here are the rules concerning the number of votes a member can carry to the business meeting. Each Area/Division Director and member of the executive team is allowed to have one vote at the business…
Registration for the From Speaker to Trainer session is: You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Jul 18, 2020 09:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting:https://…
Our first virtual region gathering will be held Sunday, August 30, 6-7:30pm PDT. All region members are invited to attend.  Please contact Janice at jprknsn@gmail.com for the registration link.
Featured Ringside Rivals: Darren Frew & David Nimmo - Both advanced speakers!  Please join co-hosts: Inspirational Speakers Advanced Toastmasters, Advanced Aurators Toastmasters and…
Evaluation Contest - Friday, May 17, 2024 (6pm-11pm PT) International Speech - Saturday, May 18, 2024 (8am-4pm PT) Registration details to follow soon!
Congratulations on your election to secretary! In this position, you facilitate the smooth operation of the club by maintaining vital records. You maintain the club’s written history so that future…
Congratulations on your election to secretary! In this position, you facilitate the smooth operation of the club by maintaining vital records. You maintain the club’s written history so that future…
  This meeting has the crucial purpose of receiving the District Council’s approval for the Budget which will allow District Team to access the funds. There will also be two motions presented, one…
Congratulations! As the sergeant at arms of your club, you ensure that meetings are well-run and set the tone for an organized, successful meeting.
Congratulations! As the sergeant at arms of your club, you ensure that meetings are well-run and set the tone for an organized, successful meeting.
This monthly speech event will enlighten and entertain with 7 speakers in a 1-hr format. Start your Saturday morning with inspiration. It is open to the public, prospective club guests and new…
Neila Scott has been training virtual sessions for the past 10 years, and teaches online every week. This workshop will be a one-hour session on how to best present online. It will include how to…
Neila Scott has been training virtual sessions for the past 10 years, and teaches online every week. This workshop will be a one-hour session on how to best present online. It will include how to…
SHOOT FOR THE MOON! PLAN B: ONLINE WORKSHOPS EVERY SUNDAY AT 2 PM IN APRIL, MAY & JUNE!! The District 96 Conference: Plan B team are pleased to announce the online workshops occurring every…
SHOOT FOR THE MOON! PLAN B: ONLINE WORKSHOPS EVERY SUNDAY AT 2 PM IN APRIL, MAY & JUNE! The District 96 Conference: Plan B team are pleased to announce a series of online…
Improve your public speaking quickly and effectively by enrolling in Speechcraft conducted by the Vancouver Toastmasters Club 59. During the 6-week Speechcraft public speaking course you will:…
You don't want to miss the last District 96 Conference - The Grand Finale!   Early bird price available until April 1.  Register here.   Looking for a Discount? Finish your first Level 1 in…
The Grand Finale!    Please see the District 96 Conference page for details. Everyone is welcome!
Have five new members join your club over the summer months to earn the SMEDLEY Award from Toastmasters International. Can your club add five new, dual, or reinstated members with a join date…
Come out and meet our upcoming 2024-2025 District leadership candidates on Friday, April 19, 2024 for our Candidate Showcase Event. This invitation is being positioned in advance of our upcoming…
Mark Your Calendars Register today https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/toastmasters-leadership-institute-and-club-officer-training-round-2-tickets-189836204197     Sneak Peek: This TLI will focus on:…
Mark Your Calendars Register today https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/toastmasters-leadership-institute-and-club-officer-training-round-2-tickets-189822242437   Sneak Peek: December is all about…
Mark Your Calendars Register today https://d96tliandcotnov6.eventbrite.ca Sneak Peek: This TLI will focus on: How to boost club membership Strategies for planning and running a successful online…
 Toastmaster Leadership Institute with Club Officer Training (Evaluation)  Open to all Toastmasters (not just club officers) Sunday August 15, 2021 8:30 – 3:30pm Click here to register
Toastmaster Leadership Institute with Club Officer Training (Membership & Retention)  Open to all Toastmasters (not just club officers) Saturday July 24, 2021 8:30 – 3:30pm REGISTER HERE…
Start your Toastmasters year our right, get trained, get new ideas, share ideas at the premier educational opportunity for Toastmasters and club officers in District 96!   Toastmaster Leadership…
Toastmaster Leadership Institute (TLI) with Club Officer Training (COT) - Open to all Toastmasters (not just club officers) Start your Toastmasters year right: get trained, get new ideas, share…
Toastmaster Leadership Institute (TLI) with Club Officer Training (COT) - Open to all Toastmasters (not just club officers) Start your Toastmasters year right: get trained, get new ideas,…
It’s here! All our members are invited to the 2021 Toastmasters Leadership Institute and Officer Training to run your high-class Clubs…from the guest to the Club President! A full day (9:…
TOASTMASTERS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE & CLUB OFFICERS TRAINING (TLI/COT) - D21Hosted by District 21 (British Columbia) Date:  Saturday, June 24, 2023 Time:  8:20 am - 12:20 pm PDT (Pacific)…
TOASTMASTERS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE & CLUB OFFICERS TRAINING (TLI/COT)Hosted by D57 (California) Date:  Saturday, June 17, 2023 Time:  9:00 am - 12:00 pm PDT (Pacific) Location:  Online ZOOM…
One Day of Learning (TLI + COT) = One Year as a Successful Club Leader! Building and Leading a thriving club takes knowledge, focus and determination - especially if you intend to leave the club…
Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) & Club Officer Training (COT) TLI From 9:00 am - 12:30 pm COT From 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm AGENDA: 8:30 - 9:00   Login to Zoom between 8:30 - 9:00.  TLI…
District 96 will be presenting a TLI/COT event on November 25, 2023. This will also be the first event to commence 2nd Round Club Officer Training. The TLI will be tailored to "Everything Speech…
TLI / COT  2nd Round Training. REGISTER on Eventbrite
One day of Learning (TLI & COT) = One Year as a Successful Club Leader!  TLI from 8:30 to 4:30.  Afternoon Workshops & COT from 1:00 to 4:30. The 7/7 Club Officer Roles Challenge -- We know…
One day of Learning (TLI & COT) = One Year as a Successful Club Leader!  TLI from 8:30 to 4:30.  Afternoon Workshops & COT from 1:00 to 4:30.  The 7/7 Club Officer Roles Challenge -- We know…
  A Showcase of Excellence The event opened with Franco Gallo, President of the Rotary Club of Vancouver, who set the stage by discussing the significance of the Rotary-Toastmasters alliance and…
The District 96 Spring 2018 Conference is coming up on Friday, May 11 to Sunday, May 13. With the discontinuation of fall conferences by Toastmasters International, this Spring conference held in May…
The Treasurer is responsible for Club financial policies, procedures and controls. The role involves the club's finances, including dues collection and materials purchasing. This office…
INVITATION to join us on Zoom ... A Celebration of Life of Vladimira Horvathova, DTM Remember her cheerful smile, her heartwarming hugs, her countless acts of kindness, and her way of speaking gently…
Congratulations! As vice president education you have a wonderful opportunity to be a resource for new members in your club and a guide for existing members as they work toward education awards.
Congratulations! As vice president education you have a wonderful opportunity to be a resource for new members in your club and a guide for existing members as they work toward education awards.
Congratulations on your election to vice president membership! As the vice president membership you create a climate that attracts new members and keeps current members involved.
Congratulations on your election to vice president membership! As the vice president membership you create a climate that attracts new members and keeps current members involved.
Congratulations on your election to vice president membership! As the vice president membership you create a climate that attracts new members and keeps current members involved.
Congratulations on your election to vice president membership! As the vice president membership you create a climate that attracts new members and keeps current members involved.
The vice president public relations is the fourth ranking club officer and is responsible for developing and directing a publicity program that informs individual members and the general 
The vice president public relations is the fourth ranking club officer and is responsible for developing and directing a publicity program that informs individual members and the general 
It's been a year in the works and finally we are ready to show off our new site. A big thanks to the Web Development team and the Core Team for their support. The two main goals were to upgrade the…
Our District Director, Louisa Davis, DTM, shares her vision as we welcome the new year. What is your Moonshot?  
Women: From Vulnerability to LeadershipInternational Women’s Day Event March 6, 2022 / 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm Toastmasters can change your life. Invite all your non-Toastmaster…
SEMINAR SUNDAY (Hosted by District 21) WORKSHOP - “The Wow Factor”  Date:  Sunday, May 22, 2022  Time: 4 PM to 5 PM Pacific Time  Seminar Workshop Training on "The Wow Factor: How…
District Director  Paul Rostagno, DTM,  a Toastmaster since 2004, current Program Quality Director, past Area and Division Director, and recipient of the Toastmaster of the Year 'Doug Anderson Award…
The keynotes are always one of the highlights of the Toastmasters conference, this March 29-31 in North Vancouver. This year, we’ve gone Beyond Imagination!   Please help us welcome to the stage (…