D96 Club Officers Training with TLI

with Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) Hosted by District 96
Date: Saturday, December 10, 2022
Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. Opens at 9:30 am. (PST) Pacific
Morning TLI - Workshop on International Speech Contests
Afternoon COT - two (2) sessions: 12:25 pm and 2:15 pm
Location: ZOOM online
MORNING - Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI)
Preparing contestants for upcoming International Speech contest
Inter-active Workshop: What the Missing Ingredient Teaches You About Conquering the International Speech Contest.
Sharookh Daroowala, DTM, four times District Speech Champion and Finalist at the World Championships of Public Speaking, purveys and surveys the phenom Alexandre Matte on his much ballyhooed speech that catapulted him as 1st Runner Up (Silver Winner) at the 2022 World Championships of Public Speaking.
Alexandre Matte, DTM, Silver Winner at Toastmasters International 2022 World Championship of Public Speaking in a live Question and Answer (Q&A) session.
Contest Tool Demo - – used for online Contests by Contest Chairman, Chief Judge, Judges, Counters and Timers to quickly and efficiently determine the Contest winners.
AFTERNOON - 2 sessions of Club Officers Training (COT)
We will offer two COT sessions in the afternoon.
You have the choice of attending none, either, or both sessions (perfect if you have two or more club officer roles):
- One session at 12:25 pm;
- One session at 2:15 pm;
Trained club officers translate into a club’s ultimate success.
- Connect, collaborate and share with your peers
- Brainstorm on how you can grow in your position and as a leader
- Get input from your peers on any club's challenges you may have
- Share successes and best practices
- Get energized and inspired
All members deserve to be in a thriving club and have a rich Toastmasters experience. As a club officer you have the important role in helping to create this.
Attend this virtual live Training to receive credit for your role. Bring all your club officers, it’s a great learning opportunity and gives credit toward the Distinguished Club Program (DCP).
Make the most out of your Toastmasters experience and bring your learnings back to your club to provide everyone the BEST Toastmaster Experience possible.
Register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/tli-cot-december-10-2022-tickets-476076657097