Annual Conference

District 96 Annual Conference is in just a few weeks!!! This is an event which brings together Toastmasters from Vancouver lower mainland, northern BC and the Yukon. Most of the members are business…
We are looking for three speakers who can present outstanding 45-minute sessions in-person, on Saturday, May 18th, 2024 at the University Golf Club in Vancouver, B.C. Both Toastmasters and non-…
The deadline for proposals is Friday, December 1, 2019 at 11:59pm (PST).   Its not too late to submit your proposal for an education workshop at the District 96 Conference for 2020.  Submit your…
Have you been thinking about a hero you would like to nominate for the District 96 Communication and Leadership Award for 2020?  Its not to late to make a submission... The purpose of the…
DISTRICT 96 - ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2023 (online - free) This Year’s Conference Theme is “Cultivate & Grow” Exciting events are planned for this year’s Toastmasters District 96 Annual…
Dear Fellow District 96 Toastmasters,   It takes a village to plan a major District conference. And there is no greater opportunity for our members to learn and grow their leadership skills than by…
Dear Toastmasters and Friends, We are thrilled to unveil the theme of this year's District 96 Conference: "Spring to a New Centennial"! This captivating theme encapsulates our upcoming journey…
All 7 contestants were winners at our District 96 Table Contest today! Here are the top 3: 1. Greg Lee 2. Lucinda Atwood 3. Maureen McBeath Kudos to Chief Judge, Carole Murphy and her team of…
Do you have a short message to share with our Toastmasters group at the Annual Conference this April?   Funny, informative, inspiring... It's not too late to submit your application to speak on at…
You don't want to miss the last District 96 Conference - The Grand Finale! Early bird price available until April 1.  Register here.   Room Block (until April 16) Hotel: Delta (by Marriott)…