D96 Search for 2023-2024 Conference Chair & Committee Volunteers
Leadership Growth Opportunity!
Are you ready to step into some big shoes?
District 96 is building a stellar Conference Planning Team!
Nominations can be sent to publicrelations@d96toastmasters.ca

Dear Fellow District 96 Toastmasters,
It takes a village to plan a major District conference. And there is no greater opportunity for our members to learn and grow their leadership skills than by serving on the Conference Planning Committee!
We need YOUR help!
As you know, our showcase event of our year is going to be the D96 Annual Conference for 2023-2024 taking place in-person on Friday, May 17th and Saturday, May 18th at University Golf Course in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Please click here to view our current Annual Conference Team and available roles that we are seeking to fill.
You can nominate yourself, or someone else, provided you have obtained their consent to do so.
Prior experience is preferred but not necessary. The District has enrolled mentors who will guide you. What is expected is a positive attitude, an abundance of team spirit and a significant commitment of time.
If you do not wish to Chair a Committee, you can offer to be on a list of committee volunteers by indicating your preference of Committee. Alternatively, we welcome your availability for the overall conference and will assign you to the appropriate Chair and committee.
Nominations can be sent to publicrelations@d96toastmasters.ca. You may also ask questions at this email address.
Let's all help make this year's District 96 Annual Conference a centennial celebration for the ages!