D96 Club Growth Incentives for Members 2023-2024
- $40 Gift Certificate for Helping Hands Guide visiting 8 clubs with 15 or fewer members.
Members that visit low membership clubs 15 and under will receive $40 gift certificate good at the Toastmasters Shop (Toastmasters International -Shop), after they visit 8 different clubs and complete a visit report for each visit. The club will benefit by having an additional participant at their meeting. This will make the club meetings more interesting and the Guide will take roles if offered. They will make suggestions for club meeting improvement at the end of the meeting.
Before attending a meeting, first contact the club and let them know you plan to visit their club. A list of eligible clubs is found on the link below:
Eligible Clubs for Helping Hands Guide Visits
There is a color code to the clubs, Red=0-8 members, Orange 9-12 members and White 13-15 members.
Choose a club on the eligible club list and go to the D96 website and use the Find a Club function. To get contact details and location. Club in District 96 | District 96 (d96toastmasters.ca)
Introduce yourself as a Helping Hands Guide and ask that you would like to have a role in the meeting. Attend the meeting and complete the Helping Hands Guide Club Visit Report on the link below:
Helping Hands Guide Club Visit Report
One $40 Gift Certificate per Helping Hands Guide member. Helping Hands Guides must be a member in good standing of District 96. Area Directors may participate but not in clubs in their assigned Area. Members can claim their gift certificate by contacting the Club Growth Director, Jim Heeren at clubgrowth@d96toastmasters.ca.
- Toastmasters Baseball Cap or Socks for submitting a club lead that results in demo meeting. (Bonus District Draw)
Submit a New Club Lead that results in a Demo meeting. Any Toastmaster that is a member of D96 that submits a lead that results in a demo meeting will receive a Toastmasters Baseball Cap or Toastmasters Socks.
Procedure: The member submits a club lead to the Club Growth Director at clubgrowth@d96toastmasters.ca. The subject line of the email should read, “New Club Lead.”
Information needed is Contact Name, Type of Club (community or sponsored/corporate), contact phone number, contact email address, Your name, your email address and your phone number.
The Club Growth team will contact the lead and have an initial conversation which if that conversation leads to a demo meeting we will contact you and ask for your choice of Toastmasters Baseball Cap or Toastmaster socks. In addition, if made before mid-April you will be entered into the Bonus District Draw for two tickets to the District 96 Spring Conference.
- Successful Club Coaches will receive a Toastmasters Ladies or Men’s Core Jacket.
Sign up to be a club coach, take the necessary club coach training (approx. 1 hour), we will find you a club. When you are successful in working with the club to become Distinguished you will receive a Ladies or Men’s Core Jacket worth $65 US in the Toastmasters Shop (Toastmasters International -Shop). Contact Jim Heeren, Club Growth Director at clubgrowth@d96toastmasters.ca for details.
- Be A New Member Sponsor - Membership Building Program for Members
Program Dates: July 1 — June 30 of the following year
Membership growth is important to ensure your club's success. When you sponsor five or more new members within one program year, you will receive the following: a unique blue pin for five members, a unique burgundy pin for 10 members, and for sponsoring 15 new members, you will qualify to receive a special discount code for 25% off your next product purchase from the Toastmasters Online Store. (Discount is not valid with any other offer and is for your individual use only. It cannot be used to purchase club supplies. To verify if an item is available for the discount, please contact supplyorders@toastmasters.org.)
To receive credit as a sponsor, your name and home club number must appear on the new membership application. Please print or type information legibly. No changes can be made to the applications once they are received by World Headquarters. New, dual and reinstated members count for credit; transfer and charter members do not. The new members join dates must fall within the July to June range. All applications and payments must be received at World Headquarters no later than June 30.