ABCD - Sorry What did you Say (Acronym Guide for Toastmasters)
Thanks to District 57 for the following compilation of commonly used Toastmaster Acronyms
Did you say "survey", "evaluation", feedback" ?? What is the difference. A survey you ask for opinions BEFORE an event to find out what people want.. an evaluation and feedback you ask for AFTER an event to find out how it went - what went well and what didn't and what should be done next time.
WOD, PQD, PM1, DCP, DTM… what? If you’ve ever felt confused or overwhelmed by the Toastmasters Alphabet Soup of Acronyms, then keep reading. This list is a recipe for Toastmasters acronym success!
Acronym: Description
AC: Advanced Communicator (ACB, ACS or ACG) — someone who has achieved at least an ACB (ATM-B).
ACB: Advanced Communicator Bronze (formerly ATM-B) — award given to an Individual who has achieved CC or CTM and has completed two Advanced Communication & Leadership Program manuals.
ACG: Advanced Communicator Gold (formerly ATM-G) — award given to an individual who has completed ACS or ATM-S, has completed two additional Advanced Communication & Leadership Program manuals, conducted a Success/Leadership Program, Success/Communication Program, or a Youth Leadership Program, and has coached a new member with the first three speech projects.
ACS: Advanced Communicator Silver (formerly ATM-S) — award given to an Individual who has achieved ACB or ATM-B, has completed two additional Advanced Communication & Leadership Program manuals, and who has conducted any two programs from the Better Speaker Series and/or the Successful Club Series.
AD: Area Director (formerly Area Governor)— Serves as a liaison between the district and its clubs via semiannual area club visits to understand how clubs are fulfilling member needs and how the district is supporting each club.
AL: Advanced Leader (ALB or ALS) — someone who has achieved at least an ALB (ATM-B).
ALB: Advanced Leader Bronze — award given to an individual who has achieved CL and CC or CTM, served at least 6 months as Club officer (and was trained as such during that period) and has conducted any two program modules from the Successful Club Series.
ALS: Advanced Leader Silver — award given to an individual who has achieved ALB, completed a term as a district officer, completed the High Performance Leadership Program, and served successfully as a Club Sponsor, Mentor, or Specialist.
AS, ASP: Accredited Speaker, Accredited Speaker Program — A program for Toasmasters who wish to become professional speakers.
ATM: Advanced Toastmaster or Able Toastmaster — award designation prior to 7/1/06.
ATM-B: Advanced Toastmaster Bronze — award designation prior to 7/1/06, replaced by ACB.
ATM-G: Advanced Toastmaster Gold — award designation prior to 7/1/06, replaced by ACG.
ATM-S: Advanced Toastmaster Silver — award designation prior to 7/1/06, replaced by ACS.
CC: Competent Communicator (formerly CTM) — award given to an individual who has complete the 10 speeches in the Competent Communicator’s Manual; the first award earned in the Communication Track.
CJ: Chief Judge — the individual who is in charge of ensuring that rules are followed at speech contests.
CGD: Club Growth Director [Formerly Lieutenant Governor of Marketing (District role, part of the Trio)] — third-in-command leadership position in a District. This role promotes club-building and membership-building efforts throughout the District, and oversees club coaches and mentors.
CL: Competent Leader — an individual who has achieved CTM or CC and has completed the Competent Leader’s Manual; the first award earned in the Leadership Track.
CTM: Competent Toastmaster — award designation prior to 7/1/06, replaced by CC.
DCP: Distinguished Club Program — a set of 10 goals each club strives to meet between July 1 — June 30 of the following year. A club’s ability to meet these goals is directly related to the overall health of the club.
DECM: District Executive Committee Meeting — monthly District event where all District officers meet, discuss progress towards District/Division/Area goals, and participate in training sessions.
DD: District Director (formerly District Governor) District Role, part of the Trio) — the top leadership position in a District. Toastmasters International has 90+ Districts worldwide, encompassing 14,000+ clubs in 120+ countries.
DivD: Division Director (formerly Division Governor) — top leadership role in a Division.
DPR: District Performance Report — a report that gives an overview of the progress a District is making in it’s leadership/training goals.
DTM: Distinguished Toastmaster — an individual who has achieved both ACG (ATM-G) and ALS (AL) distinctions; the top award earned in the Communication and Leadership Tracks.
DC: District Council— a team of officers that work behind the scenes to help a club/District achieve goals and run smoothly.
GE: General Evaluator (meeting role) — evaluates a Toastmasters meeting and evaluates the Speech Evaluators, if any.
HPL: High Performance Leadership project/award — Featured in the Pathways learning experience or it’s own 5-project series. It offers instruction and practice in such vital leadership areas as developing a vision, goal-setting and planning, developing plans and strategies, and team-building. It also gives you feedback on your leadership skills. The program may be completed within your Toastmasters club, area or district, and even within your company or community. A requirement to achieve the ALS or a Pathways level.
ID: International Director (International role) — participates in International-level strategy creation and implementation, acknowledged at events as a dignitary.
IP: International President (International role) — acknowledged at events as a dignitary. The officers of Toastmasters International are the International President, International President-Elect, First Vice President, Second Vice President and Immediate Past International President (IPIP). These officers are members of the board of directors and constitute the Executive Committee, the Strategic Planning Committee and the Finance Committee.
IPDD: Immediate Past District Director (District role) — once a District Governor’s term is over, their role is to advise the incoming Trio and to head up the nominations committee for the next term and are acknowledged at events as a dignitary.
IPID: Immediate Past International Director (International role) — once a PID’s term is over they become an IPID, acknowledged at events as a dignitary.
IPIP: Immediate Past International President (International role) — once a PIP’s term is over they become an IPIP, acknowledged at events as a dignitary.
LDREXC: Leadership Excellence — educational award for completing an HPL.
OATM: Outstanding Achievement Toastmaster Award — an award based on a point system given once a year.
PDG: Past District Governor (or Past District Director, District designation) — once an IPDG’s term is over, they are thereafter acknowldedged at events as a dignitary.
PID: Past International Director (International role) — once a PID’s term is over, they become a PID and are acknowledged at events as a dignitary.
PIP: Past International President (International role) — once a PID’s term is over they become a PIP and are acknowledged at events as a dignitary.
Pres: President (club officer role) — responsible for providing the supportive club environment members need to fulfill their self-development goals, making sure that members benefit from the Toastmasters educational program, and helping the club recruit new members and retain current ones.
PQD: Program Quality Director [formerly LGET, Lieutenant Governor of Education and Training (District role, part of the Trio)] — second-in command leadership position in a District. This role spearheads education/training events such as Toastmasters Leadership Institute and other club officer trainings, and conferences, encourages educational award (CC, CL, Pathways learning experience) achievement throughout the District.
PRM: Public Relations Manager (District role) — responsible for all District public relations efforts and supporting the goals of the Trio.
PWCPS: Past World Champion of Public Speaking — designation for a person who won the WCPS at least one year previous to this.
RA: Region Advisor — Works with District leaders to build a stronger District. There are several Districts within each Region.
SAA: Sergeant at Arms (club officer, contest or District role) — responsible for maintaining club/District property, arranging the meeting room and welcoming members and guests at each meeting. At DECM, the District SAA also procures food/refreshments.
Sec: Secretary (club or District role) — keeps clear and accurate records of club/district business, including membership records, and corresponds with Toastmasters International’s World Headquarters and others on behalf of the club/District.
TI: Toastmasters International, aka WHQ.
TLI: Toastmasters Leadership Institute — a biannual club officer training event put on by the District, which may also include non-club offficer role elective workshops.
TM: Toastmaster (meeting, contest or other event role) — master/mistress of ceremonies who sets the tone and introduces speakers and others who have meeting roles.
TMT: Toastmasters Time Television — a specialty club in District 57 that tapes speakers and publishes them on YouTube.
Treas: Treasurer (club or District role) — keeps clear and accurate financial records of club/District business and for seeing that the club/District remains financially stable.
Trio: Top three District officers — DD, PQD and CGD.
TT: Table Topics (meeting activity) — a meeting feature in which a TTM picks TTS’s to speak for 1-2 minutes on assigned topics.
TTM: Table Topics Master (meeting role) — runs the TT portion of a meeting by creating topics and picking TTS to speak on them.
TTS: Table Topics Speaker (meeting role) — exercises impromptu speaking skills by speaking for 1-2 mintues on a topic, ideally incorporating the WOD, if any.
VPE: Vice President Education (club officer role) — in charge of a club’s educational program scheduling speakers and other meeting roles, promoting the Toastmasters educational program and reporting on members’ educational award progress.
VPM: Vice President Membership (club officer role) — responsible for building membership and ensuring a strong membership base by satisfying the needs of all members.
VPPR: Vice President Public Relations (club officer role) — coordinating an active public relations and publicity program that promotes the flow of guests and publicizes club and member achievements.
WCPS: World Champion of Public Speaking — an individual who won the annual speech competition at the International Convention.
WHQ: World Headquarters (of Toastmasters International).
WOD: Word of the Day (as selected by the Grammarian or other designated person) — a word that all persons with speaking roles try to use in a meeting.
Thanks to District 4 for the links about each path in Pathways - first initial of each word followed by 1,2, 3 or 4 shows levels completed. example DL1, DL2, DL3, DL4.
- Dynamic Leadership (DL)
- Effective Coaching (EC)
- Innovative Planning (IP)
- Leadership Development (LD)
- Motivational Strategies (MS)
- Persuasive Influence (PI)
- Presentation Mastery (PM)
- Strategic Relationships (SR)
- Team Collaboration (TC)
- Visionary Communication (VC)