Speech Contests 2024
All contests at the Area, Division and District will be held online this year. Please see the Events Calendar for exact dates & times.
The two contests being held this year are:
- International Speech Contest
- Evaluation Contest
Club Contests
December 1, 2023 - January 31, 2024
If a club can't hold a contest, they can appoint/nominate contestant(s) to compete in the area contest.
Club contest is the only level where contestants can be nominated to move on to the next level. Areas and divisions must hold a contest in order to send a contestant up to the next contest level even if they only have one contestant in their contest. In special circumstances, the club may be able to send two contestants to the area contest.
If a Toastmaster competes and wins first place in multiple club contests, they can only move forward to ONE Area Contest.
The competitor will need to choose which Area Contest they will compete in and inform the other club and area contest officials so the second (or subsequent) place winner may move on in their place. Contest Officials, see #6 below regarding notification of winners.
Eight weeks prior to the Area Contest (December 7, 2023), if an Area has four (4) or fewer assigned clubs in good standing, clubs can send the top two (2) winners from each club speech contest to compete at the area speech contest. All clubs qualify to send TWO (2) winners each to the Area Contest EXCEPT: A12, A15, B21, B25, C34, D41, D42, E53 and E54 who may send one (1) contestant.
Area Contests
February 1, 2024 - February 29, 2024
Eight weeks prior to the Division Contests (January 5, 2024), in those Divisions with four (4) assigned Areas or fewer, Areas can sent two (2) highest-placed available contestants from each Area to compete at the Division contest. Currently, the Divisions that qualify are: Division A, Division C, Division D and Division E.
Division Contests
March 1, 2024 - March 31, 2024
Since District 96 has 5 Divisions, Divisions can only send one winner on to compete in the District contest.
District Contests
May 17 & May 18, 2024
In-person at University Golf Course (5185 University Blvd., Vancouver, BC V6T 1X5)
- Evaluation Contest - Friday, May 17, 2024 (6pm-11pm PT)
- International Speech - Saturday, May 18, 2024 (8am-4pm PT)
Registration details to follow soon!
The District International Speech contest will be recorded. The winner's video will be sent to Toastmasters International, where it will be judged virtually for the Quarter Finals of the International Speech Contest. An international panel of judges will determine which speakers will move on to the semi-finals and finals that will take place at the 2023 International Convention in August (hybrid format).
If you are a Contest Judge or Chief Judge:
If after reading the contest rule book and you have questions or want to learn more about the judging roles please reach out to our District 96 Chief Judge Neila Scott. Please keep an eye out for upcoming training sessions on the District Event Calendar.
Important Information
Area Contests will be online
Division Contests will be hybrid
The District Contest will be in person
At ALL contest levels, when sending the notification of winners to the next / higher contest level, be sure to list ALL of the contestants, not just the top three winners. Life happens and some competitors can't make it to the next level. Please be kind enough to leave an option for the next contestant in line to compete in that circumstance. See Notification form
Whether you are a competitor, judge or contest chair, please read the 2023-2024 Speech Contest Rulebook so all members experience a fun, fair and organized contest.
Remember to have FUN! Cheer your fellow Toastmasters on as they compete!
Looking forward to an amazing contest season. Good luck to all contestants and thank you to the folks who dedicate their time behind the scenes to ensure the contests are well run! ~ Luzena Dumercy DTM, District 96 Program Quality Director
Contest kits/Paperwork
International Speech contest kit: Supplies for conducting a International Speech Contest. Contains enough materials for five contestants and ten judges.
Evaluation contest kit: Supplies for conducting an Evaluation Contest. Contains enough materials for five contestants and ten judges.
Toastmasters Digital Library: Contains the forms in the kits above, but offered in other languages or to be individually downloaded.
Additional Resources
Frequently Asked Questions: A lot of questions are answered here from Toastmasters International.
Online Speech Tips from Aaron Beverly, WCPS 2019: Aaron Beverly, the 2019 world champion of public speaking, shares his thoughts on giving a virtual speech for those wanting to win the world championship of public speaking.
Online Scripts for Contest Chairs: Contest Chairs follow this during the contests. All Area, Division and District Contests will be online.
D96 Online Contest Briefing: To be used as a screen share by the Contest Chair during the briefing online.
Toastmasters Speech Contest Tutorials: Learn more about judging and speech contests through these tutorials. Each lesson is quick to review and learn.
Status Guide and Club Renewals: Is your club in good standing? Just like a member must be in good standing to compete, their club must also be in good standing.