District Bucks
What are District Bucks?
District Bucks are a system that records credits (bucks) earned by clubs in a district through various incentives. These credits are deducted when valid expenses are submitted via Concur.
What are the benefits of District Bucks?
For Clubs: Clubs can earn bucks to purchase necessary items such as room rent, hybrid meeting equipment, a Zoom account, and other supplies.
For the District: It increases engagement in the district incentive program and helps club officers prioritize important tasks like club officer training, early dues payments, conducting moments of truth, running open houses, creating a club success plan, maintaining an updated website, and using a newsletter.
How does District Bucks work with Concur?
After earning bucks, clubs can spend them on valid expenses listed on the Toastmasters.org website. They submit the receipt in Concur, where the District Finance Manager verifies if the club has enough bucks, checks the club number and name, and ensures the items purchased are allowed. Once validated, the expense is approved in Concur, and the club’s District Bucks balance is adjusted accordingly.
What are the origins of District Bucks?
The concept of District Bucks originated in District 57 in Northern California and likely spread to other districts globally around the same time. Before the pandemic, districts incentivized clubs to host open houses by reimbursing them up to $50 for Open House Pizza Parties. During the pandemic, to encourage virtual open houses, District Bucks were introduced as a way to reward clubs with credits instead of cash reimbursements. This system proved effective and continues to support clubs as they manage increased expenses for hybrid meetings and higher rent costs.
What is the Incentive Tracker?
Incentive Tracker is a cloud-based software system that manages the District Bucks program, saving district leaders 40 hours of paperwork per week. It streamlines the creation and management of incentives, allows club officers to submit recognition requests uniformly, provides visibility into queues, offers a leaderboard for clubs to track their earnings, and includes executive dashboards for district-wide tracking.
D96 District Bucks Incentive Tracker