Newsletter - May 2022

may 22 header

May is the month in which the leadership teams for the next Toastmaster year are elected, and many members work to complete projects and paths for June 30th. This is also the time for you to decide what you would like to learn in the upcoming 12 months. What will your goals be for the next year? What role will you take on with your club or with the District?

In the April 2022 District Council Business Meeting, the TRIO and Division Directors for 2022-2023 were elected. Areas around the District held elections for Area Directors.  There are still opportunities around the District to take on an Area Director role.

We would also like to recognize and thank the efforts of members over the last year. Many thanks to the members who have helped each other achieve excellence! Check inside the newsletter for the recognition of our members. Next year, will your name be on the list of recognized District leaders?

Many clubs are starting to have in person and/or hybrid meetings. If you have a friend who has been "zoom hesitant", now is the time to help them find a club that has returned to in person meetings. A couple of clubs are highlighted in the newsletter.