Division and Area Council Meetings

Division Council Meetings
The Division Council manages Division activities; facilitates the achievement of club, Area, Division, and District goals; and helps with administrative activities, such as Division contests, meetings, and training.
- The Division Council meets at least twice each year. Meetings are conducted in-person when practicable. The Division Director notifies attendees at least four (4) weeks before each meeting.
- Council members are the Division Director, Assistant Division Director Program Quality, Assistant Division Director Club Growth, and Area Directors within the Division.
- Unless noted, the following business is conducted at Division Council meetings:
- Area Success Plans and progress in the Distinguished Area Program are presented.
- Club Success Plans and progress in the Distinguished Club Program are presented.
- The club officer training attendance report is presented.
- Plans for Division events, such as training and speech contests, are made.
In other words - the leaders in the Division help each other help clubs achieve success!
The Area Council manages Area activities and supports each club in the Area in fulfilling the club mission - page 15 of the Club Leadership Handbook.
In other words - the leaders in the area help each other have great clubs.
The Area Council consists of the Area Director and any assistants, the club Presidents and Vice Presidents of Education and Membership. You may want to invite the VP of Public Relations to attend if planning joint promotions of any events.
The Council should meet at least twice a year, but once a quarter will help with planning area events and networking. Events might be joint open house, banner raids, joint meetings, area contests, helping each other with club contests, or guest speakers...
Have an agenda, take minutes, get to know each other...
Area Directors meet with the TRIO on the fourth Sunday of every month, and can take concerns the Area Council may have to the TRIO then or as needed.