Welcome to D96's new website!

Your are viewing the new website for District 96. It's a website for all of us, hopefully it will be the place to check regularly to see what is happening.
There are several new features that I would like to introduce you too.
Signing up
While it's not required you sign up for an account to read the site, you will need one to be able to post events, articles and news. Signing up is easy. You can either create an account or log in using the Facebook sign in.
Calendar of Events
On of the most used section on the old website was the calendar. At a glance you could see what was happening in the district. That has not changed. You can also submit your events for your Club, Area, Division, or District. Best of all, you can make changes to your own event. With the old site, once you submitted an event you couldn't change it.
Important Events
There are a lot of dates in the Toastmaster year that are important: deadlines for reports, membership contests and more. The Important Events page will lay out all the dates over the year. As well, the month's events can be viewed on the Events page.
Got something to say? Who doesn't? The blog is the place to post your thoughts, tips and articles.
This is where you'll find what is happening in the District like nominations, winners in speech contests, new programs and more.
You'll find forms, videos, pdf's and more in resources. If you have something you'd like posted there please let the webmaster know.