District 96 Conference 2019

What’s it like to be part of the District Conference Team?
I was lucky enough to find out this past spring and I can tell you two things.
If you haven’t been to a conference you really should go, it’s a very Toastmasters experience, and being on the team is 10 times better.
I caught up to the 2018 Conference Chair Sheila Cameron and asked why do you think its such a great opportunity and what are some of the things you can do?
This is what she said
Build upon your communication and leadership skills by volunteering for the District 96 Toastmasters 2019 Conference. Be part of a dedicated team that helps create the very best experience for our membership base.
With only one conference per year, don’t miss this opportunity to grow! Read through the list below, and consider which roles interest you the most. What are your strengths? Where would you like to challenge yourself to learn more? No experience necessary. Learn as you go—Toastmasters style—in a nurturing environment.
Conference Chair – helps create the overall vision and theme of the event, develops the conference agenda, recruits conference committee volunteers, finds and liaises with keynote speakers, collaborates with venue on food and beverage planning, and guides the whole conference team from start to smooth finish.
Banner Parade – coordinate attendees, music and announcements for banner parade
Candidates Showcase – coordinate showcase of candidates for upcoming leadership roles
Communication and Leadership Award – call for and scrutinize nominees, coordinate award recipient’s attendance
Credentials – coordinate the voting process and determine quorum
Decorations – use what's available at D96 storage or coordinate what is needed for weekend theme
Education Sessions – call for and review presenter submissions, choose presenters and ensure their needs are met during conference weekend
Emcee – make announcements and introductions with enthusiasm and high energy throughout conference weekend
Entertainment – coordinate the conference weekend fun
Facilities – oversee all on-site furniture layout, equipment and technology
First-Timers Reception – plan a warm welcome for members attending a D96 conference for the very first time
Marketing & PR – design posters, provide schedule and content for eblasts, newsletters, social media, and in-person promotion
Mentor – share your previous conference experience with team and respond to their questions
Program Booklet – design layout and coordinate production and printing of conference program booklet
Protocol – ensure dignitaries are looked after throughout conference weekend
Registration – ensure easy check-in for all attendees on conference weekend
Secretary – keep meeting minutes and help team stay on track of Action items
Silent Auction – coordinate auction items, bidding process and collection
Sponsorship – seek and confirm event sponsors
Treasurer – prepare conference budget, recommend pricing, complete financial reports
Volunteers Coordinator – coordinate the efforts of attendees who volunteer a few hours of their time during the conference
Webmaster – design conference website and add regular updates
More conference details:
March 29-31, 2019 – Check your calendar. Can you attend?
Pinnacle Hotel at the Pier, North Vancouver, BC– Wow! That looks nice!
Volunteers DO have to pay their own conference registration. Is it worth it? Absolutely! The price can't be beat for the value received. Plus you will have learned new skills, made new friends, boosted your resume, and increased your network circle.
Interested? Get in touch with Louisa Davis DTM, District 96 Program Quality Director ASAP!
Louisa Davis <louisamba@hotmail.com>