Proxies! Due by August 18, 2020!

Proxy photo

Attention Presidents &/or Secretaries!

Your vote counts and even if you cannot attend the International Annual Business Meeting, your vote can be carried on anyway.

From the Toastmasters International July 2020 magazine:

Every year, members and clubs have the opportunity to vote on important business matters. These votes have a direct impact on the future of Toastmasters International. Refer to this guide to lead your club(s) through the voting process so you’re prepared to participate in the Annual Business Meeting, held on August 28.

Club Voting Procedures

Each club should hold a vote to determine who will be the club’s proxyholder and how their ballot will be cast at the Annual Business Meeting. Here are some rules for club voting:

  • For any club business or voting to be officially recognized, a quorum, or minimum number of members, is required to be present. The quorum for Toastmasters clubs is a simple majority of active club members. Likewise, the quorum for a club’s executive committee is a simple majority of committee members.
  • Each active member is entitled to one vote on any matter presented before the club membership for a vote.
  • Proxy voting or absentee ballots are not permitted during the club voting process.
  • A simple majority vote by all present and active members is all that is required to pass a proposed item.

Voting at the Annual Business Meeting

Clubs in good standing may cast two (2) votes at the Annual Business Meeting for International Officer and Director elections, as well as Proposals A and B to amend the Bylaws of Toastmasters International.

Follow these steps to prepare your club to vote:

  • Encourage members to learn more about the candidates and the proposed amendments.
  • Organize a discussion at an upcoming meeting about the support of Proposals A and B and which candidates best meet the needs of Toastmasters International.

Designating a Proxyholder

All clubs must designate a proxy to vote. You can designate a delegate from the club, another active member, or the District Director.

Follow these steps for proxyholders:

  • To assign the club votes, go to Club Central, log in, choose the club(s) you are assigning proxies for, and click on Club Proxy.
  • The Credentials process will be conducted online from August 19 to 22. Proxyholders must log into the Toastmasters International website during that time to obtain their proxy summary report and be validated for access to the electronic ballot.
  • If the club provides voting directions, proxyholders will vote in the manner a club instructs.

More information on proxy voting will be emailed to Club Presidents, Secretaries, and liaisons this month.

Use these guidelines to help ensure a smooth voting process. If you have any questions, please email us at