D96 SPOTLIGHT - December 2023
By Melody Helleouet, District 96 Public Relations Manager 2023-2024 Newsletter Initiative

For the month of December 2023, our D96 SPOTLIGHT focuses on Donna Ho, DTM, Division D Director! After a gentle follow up nudge from her very own sister who was already a Toastmaster, Donna began her journey towards lifelong learning within our organization starting in 2015.
From coordinating club visits, to helping guide Area Directors, helping local Club officers and providing ongoing input and planning with our District leadership teams, Donna is a shining example of what leadership looks like within our D96.
As a hospital nurse, Donna prides being able to use effective communication with her team and to help support the patients she cares for. Her love of ongoing learning and embrace of challenges along the way keep her motivated to continuing pursuing her Toastmasters journey to the fullest.
In this interview, Donna shares with us her philosophies around what brought her to Toastmasters, what brought her to leadership within our District along with a special message for new and incoming Toastmasters who identify as English Second Language (ESL).
Freshly decorated with her DTM designation since fall of this year, Donna continues to serve her fellow neighbors in her community not just as a nurse but as a Toastmaster that shines bright with our CORE values by her example of leading, teaching and learning all at the same time.
We hope you enjoy our 1-on-1 video interview with Donna as she sends us all into the new year with a special holiday message, tune-in to ‘cheer’ all about it!
If you would like to nominate one of your District 96 peers for an upcoming newsletter spotlight, please email me at publicrelations@d96toastmasters.ca.