District 96 wants YOU to become a conference volunteer!

Shoot for the Moon and take your moment to shine at the annual District 96 conference from April 17-19, 2020 in Richmond.
And just how might you do that? By volunteering for the conference!
Now, why would you want to volunteer?
- Because it is fun, rewarding and challenging
- Because it makes the spring conference YOUR conference
- Because you get to work with a great bunch of people in a nurturing environment
- Because service to your fellow toastmasters is a core value you appreciate
- Because this is once in a year opportunity to try something new
There are so many ways to get involved! Join our crew and help plan and support the conference. Are you working on your high performance leadership (HPL)? We have lots of leadership possibilities! Do you have limited time to help in advance? We also need help for shorter periods during the weekend conference. You choose what works for you!
What might you be able to do? Below are a few of the roles we are looking to fill.
- Candidates Showcase – coordinate showcase of candidates for upcoming leadership roles
- Communication and Leadership Award – call for and scrutinize nominees, coordinate award recipient’s attendance
- Conference SSA – keep the conference on time, keep sessions organized, and keep crowd under control
- Decorations – use what's available at D96 storage or coordinate what is needed for the weekend theme
- Emcee(s) – make announcements and introductions with enthusiasm and high energy throughout the conference weekend
- Marketing & PR – design posters, provide schedule and content for eblasts, newsletters, social media, and in-person promotion
- Program Booklet – design layout and coordinate production and printing of conference program booklet
- Registration – ensure easy check-in for all attendees on conference weekend (lead the registration team or volunteer for a few hours)
- Secretary – keep meeting minutes and help team stay on track of Action items
- Silent Auction, Art Auction, Mentor Auction, Wine Raffle – coordinate auction items, bidding process and collection
- Sponsorship – seek and confirm event community partnerships and sponsors
- Volunteers Coordinator – coordinate the efforts of attendees who volunteer a few hours of their time during the conference
Calling all awesome Toastmasters…. Applications to volunteer are open!
To volunteer, contact one of your conference co-chairs: Kevin Pendergraft (kpend@me.com) or Janice Parkinson (jprknsn@gmail.com).
Note: Volunteer perks o’plenty! Learn new skills, make new friends, boost your resume, and increase your network circle! Earn the infinite gratitude of your fellow toasties. Volunteers, like all District 96 Toastmasters, pay their own conference registration. Is it worth it? Absolutely! The price can't be beat for the value received.