Call for Nominations for 2022-2023

Want to be part of an amazing team of District 96 Leaders? Our Region Advisors and Peer Groups are always in awe of District 96's commitment, collaboration and creativity. Is there a time commitment? Absolutely ..... Is it fun & beneficial? Totally.....
Our District 96 Leadership Nominating Committee (DLC) is currently looking for passionate members to serve in several District Leadership positions for the 2022-2023 term.
Step 1 - Decide which position you would like to run for.
Elected Officers: District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, seven (7) Division Directors (one for each Division).
Appointed Officers: Public Relations Manager, Administration Manager, Finance Manager, Logistics Manager, 28 Area Directors (number may change slightly after realignment). Recommendations will be submitted on March 12, 2022 and official appointments will be made by the Incoming District Director for 2022-2023.
Step 2 - Check that you meet the qualifications to run.
You may nominate yourself or someone can nominate you. To be nominated, a person must:
- Be a paid member of a club in good standing
- Meet the qualifications of the office (see below)
- Consent to being nominated
- Sign an Officer Agreement and Release statement (see below)
Step 3 - Complete and submit the two forms below to Carole Murphy, DTM (DLC Chair)
Click on the links to download the following forms and information:
- Information about positions
- Submit this form to nominate a member or yourself
- Nominee to sign and submit this form
Candidate interviews will take place throughout February & March, 2022. The Annual Elections will take place at our Virtual District 96 Business Meeting in April 2022 (specific date to be announced at a later date).
The Nomination form and Officer Agreement & Release form should be submitted to Carole Murphy, DTM via email by February 1, 2022 by 11:59 pm at