
Distinguished Clubs •Advanced Speakers •Salsa Speakers Club •Be Amazing •Fortimasters •Tillicum Toastmasters Select Distinguished Clubs •Burrard Toastmasters •Vancouver Entrepreneurs •BCSC…
Education Award — Distinguished Toastmaster 2021-2022 Winner: Maureen McBeath, DTM Education Awards — Level 5 Pathways Andrea Jabour - Down to Business Ann McDowall - Power Speakers Club…
District 96 Awards Ceremony – In-Person and Remote Via Zoom Thank you to everyone that attended, volunteered, or donated items to the silent auction back in November, we couldn’t have done it…
Mark Your Calendars and Hold the Date! The District 96 Spring  Conference will be held at the Delta Hotel (Grand Villa Casino) in Burnaby, on May 16/17, 2025.  Submit your ideas for a theme to…
  Does your club have an incredible potential and hasn’t reached it yet? Is it challenging to reach and/or keep the charter strength (20 members)? You can reach out to a club that can help you on…
The District is looking for enthusiastic, knowledgeable, creative members to help our clubs build their membership and become Distinguished club. Successful club coaches ear credit for their DTM…
When planning your next Open House have a look at these resources: 1 Open House PowerPoint – A presentation specifically for open house events, “Open House PowerPoint” explains the Pathways…
Nominate yourself or a fellow Toastmaster to lead District 96 through July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Every year on July 1st a new set of Toastmasters leaders take up their roles.  This happens at…
The deadline for proposals is Friday, December 1, 2019 at 11:59pm (PST).   Its not too late to submit your proposal for an education workshop at the District 96 Conference for 2020.  Submit your…
Want to be part of an amazing team of District 96 Leaders?  Our Region Advisors and Peer Groups are always in awe of District 96's commitment, collaboration and creativity.  Is there a time…
Originally published By Angela Louie, DTM Many people join Toastmasters to improve their performance at work. That was never my goal. But looking back over 16 years in Toastmasters, I can definitely…
A wonderful addition to help support this year's Coaches is none other than Lydia Chao! A bit about Lydia: My Toastmasters journey started in September 2017 with my husband at Stimulight…
The purpose of the Communication and Leadership award is to honour a non-Toastmaster who has made substantial contributions in the areas of communication and leadership. Maggie Ip 2018…
Remember when you went to a toastmaster meeting for the first time and everyone knew what was going on but you? Imagine a brand new club with new members all not knowing everything that happens. Let'…
  Congratulations Distinguished Toastmasters Distinguished Toastmasters so far this year are-         Leonardo Arbelaez, DTM – Babylon Business Booster, Vancouver Denise Belisle, DTM -…
Congratulations to the our fellow Toastmasters who have achieved their DTM in the last year! Zarah Abana Agcaoili Royal-T Vancouver Teymur Akhundov PMI Vancouver Toastmasters…
The district would like to recognize and reward those clubs and members who realize the district mission to build new clubs and to help existing clubs achieve excellence. Due to a new directive from…
On Nov. 26, 2024, Radhi Spear, International President of Toastmasters International, announced that the Board of Directors has approved the boundary proposal for Pilot Group B, consisting of…
Originally published By Rodney Denno, DTM “If I could give one piece of advice to members, it would be this: Evaluate, evaluate, evaluate.”   -- Presiyan Vasilev, 2013 World Champion of Public…
February is Toastmasters month around the world and here in British Columbia.  Use this proclamation as part of your open house and membership drives this month! Use  the text of this proclamation…
    */ Subscribe * indicates required Email Address * First Name * Last Name Phone Number Location (Choose all that apply) North Shore Downtown…
Do you have a short message to share with our Toastmasters group at the Annual Conference this April?   Funny, informative, inspiring... It's not too late to submit your application to speak on at…
Anyone can be an effective public speaker. Just ask Jim Kokocki. In 1981, he was a shy corporate IT guy who did little public speaking. A few of Kokocki’s colleagues noticed that he didn’t speak much…
Club Meetings and Division Speech Contests (B, H & S) Due to the evolving impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the Toastmasters International Board of Directors has made the following…
7/7 Club Officer Trained Incentive   Every club that has all seven club officers trained (June-Aug and Dec-Feb) will receive $75 USD gift certificate to spend at the Toastmasters…
For Toastmasters clubs in British Columbia and the Yukon, this is a month with special significance. Each year, the two westernmost districts in Canada — District 21 and District 96 — designate…
Its amazing what you can achieve when you have a great Area Director and a great team. Area 73 Extravaganza went off without a hitch, thanks to Area Director Debra Taylor and her team, Johanna…
Treasurer's should be engaged in the member dues collection for the Oct-March period.  Corporate Clubs that rely on their organizations to submit dues should give sufficient time for the organization…
WHY? Lots of reasons Fun New members Celebration Put your club on a solid footing for next term Win the Beat the Clock contest Take part in the District incentive(up to $50 reimbursement for…
President and VPEd - Make sure you assign your votes to members who will be at the Spring Conference Business Meeting.  Here are the rules concerning the number of votes a member can carry to the…
You have the privilege to speak in front of an audience. That means you have a chance to positively impact others’ thoughts or emotions, improve your reputation, profile or authority and it’s a…
McDonald's did not sponsor us, but have you ever try ordering a teriyaki burger or a scramble egg burger at McDonald's? If that's news to you, then you haven't dropped by your local McDonald's lately…
  Do you remember your first Toastmasters meeting? How much have you learned since then? Did Toastmasters help you with your public speaking skills, social life, or even finding a new job?   In…
DEADLINE! FEBRUARY 15, 2023 TO SUBMIT C&L AWARD NOMINATIONS! One of the highlights of the District Annual Conference is the presentation of the Communications and Leadership Award,…
  Would you like to have fun and get a chance to win US$100 to use in the Toastmasters International store? - Capture your experiences, take photos and notes. Publish them all in a blog or…
Winners will be announced at the Spring 2017 Conference May 13th, 2017 Awards will be gift certificates to the Toastmasters International Merchandise store, to buy merchandise, ribbons, equipment…
When we find our voice, we rise up. An evening hosted by Toastmasters, for everyone. We are bringing together an amazing group of speakers who will share with you how public speaking skills have…
The Executive Hotel in Richmond is offering our attendees a special hotel rate for April 16, 17 and 18th.  GUESTROOM RATES: We are pleased to confirm the following room very special reduced rates…
Now that Toastmasters International has announced that we cannot host any District events, the District 96 Annual Conference has been cancelled. PLAN B - Host a few workshops online instead!…
Sharing is Learning - I am sure you would agree.  Over the many years I have seen club members cherish a good learning moment. Personally, I have found that one learns when you put yourself and…
Is your Toastmasters club looking for an experienced guest speaker who can talk about Public Speaking, Teamwork, Business Storytelling, or another topic?   Speakers Bureau, an easier option to find…
As you may know Toastmasters International has an age limit for members of clubs.  It's 18 years old, but that doesn't mean that young adults younger than that should miss out on the important skills…
The ability to communicate is just as important today as it was pre Covid. Skills in leadership and communication are highly valued in corporations and in our communities. One could be the best in…
Your club receives credit for only one type of education award per member, per year. This encourages all members to progress in the education program, not just a few. Example: Pat Smith receives a…
  Summer and Fall are great times to challenge your club to host an Open House. Build club membership by inviting guests into your club so they can experience a well run and engaging Toastmasters…
Take your Toastmaster Journey to the next level: Are you wanting to learn, practice or enhance the leadership skills that you can take out into your “real world”? This is a safe place to try new…
As a new Canadian immigrant, the smartest thing I did was to join Toastmasters. It helped me tremendously to improve my English, meet marvelous people and hear some of the most interesting speeches…
For the last three months of summer, I've plunged myself into learning how to step out of my comfort zone and present a speech in front of an audience. However, due to a long pandemic, it was done…
That’s right our current system. Our current education system was launched back in March of this year. I’m sure you have heard of it. It retains all that is good about Toastmasters and introduces…
Area/Division/District Meetings As committed to this week, we continue to monitor the situation with the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic which has resulted in a major change effective…
Have you ever wondered how the skills you gain in Toastmasters can transfer to your career?  Are you an accountant pursuing a CPA designation?  Then you have come to the right article. Each year,…
THANK YOU so much for caring so much about your club! Of all the years this is definitely the year that your club needs your leadership. There are lots of people that don’t know what Toastmasters is…
THANK YOU so much for caring so much about your club! Of all the years this is definitely the year that your club needs your leadership. There are lots of people that don’t know what Toastmasters is…
Fellow Toastmasters of D96! It’s amazing what has happened in the 2.5 years since I started as an officer for D96: ended and started 3 jobs…and looking at ending/starting another this summer lost…
Your are viewing the new website for District 96.  It's a website for all of us, hopefully it will be the place to check regularly to see what is happening. There are several new features that I…
Please help me welcome Cindy Shen to this year's PQD Team! As the event assistant, Cindy will be helping with several events in development for the district. If you don't know her, you are in for a…
Dear Toastmaster, As you may be aware, this is the final year to achieve a Distinguished Toastmasters Award (DTM) through the legacy program. You are so close to earning your First or Second DTM. …
Listen to D 96 Friends explain WHY they participate in the tradition of contests.
Opportunity. You never know where it will take you. If you have been looking for a way to show off your skills, practice your skills or stretch your self and learn new skills, I would like to tell…
The Youth Leadership Program is a workshop consisting of eight one- to two-hour sessions that enable young people under the age of 18 to develop their communication and leadership skills through…
Discover how Rotary’s community service and leadership combine with Toastmasters' communication expertise in this inaugural event. It's a unique opportunity to connect, learn, and grow with members…