Toastmasters: catalyst to a more confident you

When I joined Toastmasters I thought my only task was saying speeches.
Now, after 2 years of being part of Toastmasters, I realize that the club is built on generosity, a
team environment, filled with practice, followed by constructive feedback on how to grow and
improve. Toastmasters serves as a tool to expand one’s comfort zone through gentle
challenges. As well as, structured lessons that fit your individual needs and goals.
Let’s take this year, as an example of how Toastmasters can be tailored to your individual
Have you had to make changes due to covid?
Are you ready to tackle a new career path, side hustle, dream?
Struggling with how to make a great impression, connect, create influence and inspire others?
Toastmasters can give you the tools and practice time to succeed in a supportive and generous
community of like minded individuals.
There are dedicated learning paths and growth strategies that you can follow to increase your
capabilities at your own pace. Learning paths include such skills as: leadership, presentation,
storytelling, podcasting, interviewing and more.
For all the communication skills that you need to level up, Toastmasters can be your catalyst, to
a more confident you.
The only thing you need to bring to a Toastmasters meeting is you. It doesn’t matter how scared
or excited you are to speak in front of people. Toastmasters is open to everyone. In our club we
have one woman who joined because she heard there was a contest and she was intent on
winning. Another woman who joined, cried before her first 3 meetings. And a young woman that
came to Canada as an exchange student joined toastmasters to improve her English speaking
this past year.
And yet, we are all here together learning, growing, practicing and succeeding. Whether you are
young, older, native English speaking or from afar; whether you are looking to win a contest or
just trying to go out in public and not look like a fool. It doesn’t matter.
Come out and give it a try! We welcome everyone to attend 2 meetings to see how
Toastmasters can help you reach your goals. We now are in the process of creating both online
and in-person meetings, while creating a healthy physical distance for all.
– Natalie Findlay, Contributing Writer
This and another two articles were published in the Coast Reporter newspaper