FTH Tip: Add Member Profiles To Your Club Website

FreeToastHost Demo Website

FreeToastHost is a club website and agenda management tool available to all Toastmasters club for free. If you do not have a FTH website check out this page on Toastmasters International to get started.

One of the ways to market your club is to let potential members know who is already a part of the club.  You can easily do this in FTH by having your members create profiles which are available for public viewing. Of course, there is a need to respect privacy concerns, so some members may chose to only have their profiles viewable by other club members.

To create your member profile

1. Log onto your fth website   (something like https:://myclubname.toastmastersclubs.org )

2. Then select "Edit your profile" from the left hand menu


3. Make sure this the option to show your profile is checked


4) Then click on Member Bio/Photo to add information about yourself


5) Make sure to click on the Save option at the bottom of the window after you have added info about yourself.


