2021-2022 District Leadership Committee Report

The District Leadership Committee was formed in November 2021 as we launched our first announcement in our District 96 December Newsletter. The Committee held meetings between December 2021 and March 2022.
Beyond meeting the minimum qualifications for each leadership position, the committee looks for leaders who exhibit the competencies and skills for the specific role they are being evaluated for. Most importantly, a district leader needs to have a core understanding of Toastmasters International, including the mission, vision and interconnection among clubs, areas, divisions and districts. The committee members took this responsibility very seriously and spent countless hours reaching out to potential candidates to raise awareness of the leadership roles, reviewing applications and interviewing candidates.
Toastmasters International directs the committee to nominate a minimum of one candidate for each of the offices of District Director, Program Quality Director, Division Director and two or more for the office of Club Growth Director. The committee considers all declared candidates and deliberations confidential. Following the committee selection, the chairperson notifies candidates nominated for office and confirms their willingness to accept the nomination.
After carefully considering the qualifications of each candidate and based on a majority vote of the committee, the following names are placed in nomination to seek elected office for the 2022-2023 Toastmasters year.
Position Nominated For: Nominated Candidate: |
District Director Lily Laverton, DTM |
Program Quality Director Warren Braithwaite |
Club Growth Director No candidates |
Division A Director Allan DeBono |
Division B Director Fudi Zhang |
Division C Director Pinar Kavak |
Division D Director Dennis Stavrou |
Division H Director Alan Banifataemi |
Division J Director Neulissa Major |
Division M Director Luzena Dumercy |
Floor candidate applications by members qualified and willing to serve must submit an application to the District Director no later than April 16, 2022. If no qualified candidates apply by that time, the District Director Elect will select a qualified member to serve, subject to ratification by the District Council.
It has been an honour to work with this team and I would like to offer a sincere thank you to each member of the District Leadership Committee. Each member has invested so much time and remained focused in discussions with the District’s best interest in mind through each step. The members that served on the 2021-2022 District Leadership Committee were: Janice Parkinson, DTM, Sharookh Daroowala, DTM, Gillian Roberts, DTM, Yuriria Lanza, DTM, Ray Miller and Charito Kaay.
Respectfully submitted,
Carole Murphy, DTM
District Leadership Committee Chair, District 96 2021-2022